Preservation Volunteering Diaries

The footplate crew of the T9 share some stories Due to the popularity of my volunteer diaries working on Canadian Pacific, the blog of UK Heritage Hub, will be introducing a new series of posts featuring other stories from the preservation world. As part of our ongoing recognition of the amazing volunteers who run and…

GWR 3031 Achilles Class – Dean Single – Locomotive Profile

A newly built 3050 Royal Sovereign Photo source: Wikipedia  The Dean Single was a passenger steam locomotive built by the Great Western Railway between 1891 and 1899 under the direction of GWR’s chief mechanical engineer William Dean.  The locomotive class was known by many different names such as 3031 Class or Achilles class, both named…

Magical Harry Potter train to disappear?

Fiction has done much to keep the magic of steam engines alive in the public consciousness.  JK Rowling’s Harry Potter series of novels and films that followed are one of the most recent successes, with it’s Hogwart’s Express that departed from London King’s Cross platform 9¾.  The locomotive that starred in the role of Hogwarts…

Bachmann E4 EP update and Hornby delivery news

Where would southern model railway enthusiasts be without Graham ‘Muz’ Muspratt? A lot worse off, that’s for sure! Some interesting developments here on both Bachmann and Hornby fronts. Southern Railway, Fisherton Sarum, Canute Road Quay & Westhill Road Further to my last post with the first Bachmann E4 class Engineering Prototype pictures I am now also…

The Last Thump?

There are certain moments in life that stick with you, sometimes even though at the time they do not to be that extraordinary.  It must have been in 2002 (note, none of these pictures are from this experience) when I saw my first and last mainline “Thumper”, though at the time I did not recognise…

Quote of the week

Originally posted on esngblog:
From “Branch Line to Upwell” in the Middleton Press series of albums, describing the well known ex-Great Eastern steam (and finally diesel) tramway: Rev. Teddy Boston, who moved to Wisbech in 1950, was a (sic) ardent railway enthusiast and often travelled on the footplate wearing his cassock and dog collar.  Charlie Rand…