The International Connection: My Journey in becoming a Steam Enthusiast, Part 7 (chapter 3)

Continuing and finishing part 7 of my journey in becoming a steam enthusiast are a set of pictures of European locomotives taken at the Nene Valley Railway.  This post follows from chapter 2 (British steam locomotives) and chapter 1 (Thomas the Tank Engine) on the Nene Valley Railway. To start the post we have the…

The British Connection: My Journey in becoming a Steam Enthusiast, Part 7 (chapter 2)

Following my previous post about the official Thomas the Tank engine on the Nene Valley Railway, I wanted to share a few more pictures taken.  The railway was and still is home to some European locomotives that make the collection very unique in the UK (to be found in the next post in this series,…

The Thomas the Tank Engine Connection; My Journey in becoming a Steam Enthusiast, Part 7 (chapter 1)

A set of posts reflecting on my journey in becoming a steam enthusiast would not be complete without Thomas the Tank engine!  As a child, I adored Thomas the Tank engine and it is without doubt one of the reasons that I love steam engines today.  My Hornby model (above) is the longest-serving member of locoyard, although it is currently…