The Last Locoyard Movember 2012 Entry

Graeme Watson @NigelGresleyA4 Locoyard Movember 2012 competition entryShortly before the closing of the Locoyard Movember competition; a final submission was received; and an excellent one too!  This came courtesy of Graeme Watson (@NigelGresleyA4 on twitter), who also submitted a video (click here to view) of the Movember locomotives in action!  I’d strongly recommend following Graeme on twitter and subscribing to his YouTube channel (click here to view).

Graeme Watson @NigelGresleyA4 Locoyard Movember 2012 competition entry (1)Unfortunately, Movember has to come to an end today, so no more entries will be published.  However, there is a new Christmas photo competition that you can enter.  Click here for more details!  This leaves one thing left to do… announce a winner.  Which is a very difficult thing to do!  Expect another blog post after 7PM with the results!