Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends at Locoyard

Locoyard Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends - 1 Thomas, 11 Oliver & Diesel

Just a very quick post tonight showing the rare sight of three Thomas the Tank Engine locomotives lined up at Locoyard.  11 Oliver is currently for sale – click here or on the picture below to read more – NOTE – this will be only available here until Sunday 17th February 2013 at midnight – So be quick to get in touch if you want it!

Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends - GWR 14xx - 11 Oliver

2 thoughts on “Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends at Locoyard

  1. I know it is beyond February 17; never the less, I wanted to still ask if the Oliver engine is still available. If so I would love to get in contact with you. If not, thank you for your time.


    • Hi Patrick,

      Thanks for your message. I am planning to re-list the model for sale in the next few days, though it will be for a higher asking price this time. I’ll let you know when I do and give you first refusal if you wish?




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