35006s first test run

Good evening

Last week we reported the fantastic news that 35006 Peninsular & Oriental S.N. Co. moved for the first time under its own steam in 51 years. 35006 becomes the fourth Merchant Navy class to be returned to working order in preservation and is currently the only one in serviceable condition. Other Sister locomotives that have run in preservation (35005 Canadian Pacific, 35027 Port Line and 35028 Clan Line) are all undergoing overhaul. Over the last few days lots of great videos have popped up on YouTube and I thought it would share one of my favourites. The first run was done at the yearly shareholders meeting so the ones that paid for her restoration were the first ones to see her in action. 35006 does sound strange in the video because she was only operating with 2 of the 3 con rods attached, the team wanted it ready in time for the shareholders meeting and getting the central con rod fitted in time wasn’t possible.

As a 35006 shareholder I am obviously delighted about this news and inspires us on the 35005 team to keep going and get CanPac working. I should also give a quick plug to the 35006 society which is the owners of P&O and have put a lot work, time and money into getting her working. Society membership costs £12 per year (at the time or writing) and society members receive an excellent quarterly newsletter, which includes a full and detailed report on the progress of the restoration work. It was mentioned at the testing they are looking at installing a third seat in the cab to allow members to have footplate rides, so even more reasons to join.

If you would like more details of the project, please write to:
35006 Locomotive Society
243 Botley Road
Hampshire SO31 1BJ

Further details can also be found on the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway website.


Thanks for reading

2 thoughts on “35006s first test run

  1. Outstanding achievement! Just like going to the opera! Great sound, colour and choreography! Those involved in the restoration must have everlasting memories of this living legend!


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