GBRF gala (No thanks to the weather)

   Seb30 went to the GBRF diesel gala on the Bluebell this weekend Very nice selection of locos plus the Bluebells own 09 doing brakevan/observation coach trips. The weather to be frank was appalling but plenty of people about despite the April showers. Here are the photos      73 & 66 at East Grinstead     …

A Mid-Sussex Adventure

What an interesting day it was today!  After an unplanned errand left me in Sussex late this morning, I was left at a lose end.  Now for most people they would head back home, a mere 30 minutes away but instead I carried on in the other direction into the depths of Sussex countryside.  A…

Locomotives on Display at Sheffield Park 2014

No visit to the Bluebell Railway is complete without a peak inside the engine shed, which is home to the largest collection of locomotives of (UK) Southern origin.  The Bluebell Line has another remarkable claim to fame to add to this – it has the largest collection of BR Standard Classes.  Indeed, this collection is…